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MGA 18 Membership Registration
Annual dues are $55.00 for MGA membership. Membership includes participation in our Hole-In-One Club. Registration opens in January and remains open through October.

You may join anytime throughout the tournament season.

You must signup separately for your GHIN handicapping service.
The GHIN service is $35 yearly and must be paid directly to the HSV Golf Department.

Please follow these 2 steps:

1) Check and make sure your GHIN is in the Hot Springs Village club.  Example here.  Green is good.

2) Complete MGA Signup information below and click the "Register and Pay" button.

This online application is the only way to register for the MGA.
For assistance please call 501-500-4576.

Group 2 and 3: In order to help players maintain the same play day and keep from alternating between Monday (Group 3) and Tuesday (Group 2), the cutoff indexes have been expanded. If you fall within the overlap area, you will be allowed to choose the day/group with whom you wish to play, but may play only one day per week.

After registration is complete please allow at least 7 days to process your information. You will not be able to register for MGA tournaments until this process is complete.

Remember you must pay for your
GHIN service and it must be added to the Hot Springs Village Club before the Golf Department will activate your Total-E MGA League sign-up privileges.
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MGA Sign-up
Please enter your First and Last name exactly as it appears on your POA account.
Are you a new MGA member?
Select the group you expect to play in
Are you willing to serve as a Tournament Director?

You will receive a confirmation email. Please save or print this email as a reminder.  If you paid with a credit card your credit card statement should note HSVMGA18Golf, Wix or San Francisco as the description of a $55 charge.  PLEASE DO NOT DISPUTE THE CHARGE.

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Fill out the required information at checkout.  You may pay by credit card or if you prefer to pay by check select the manual option.  There will be instructions for mailing your check. 

This will complete your MGA registration.
Thanks for joining. We look forward to seeing you.
For assistance please call  501-500-4576.

Thank you for visiting our website.

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